


C-TPAT is a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiative that stands for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. C-TPAT is a voluntary program where participants work to protect supply chains from the concealment of terrorist weapons including weapons of mass destruction. This partnership is for organizations involved in the global supply chain including United States importers, customs brokers, terminal operators, carriers and foreign manufacturers.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program which recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principle stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers.

Companies wishing to be C-TPAT participants must complete an application and conduct a self-assessment of their supply chain security procedures against the C-TPAT criteria or guidelines jointly developed by CBP and the trade community.

What does a C-TPAT audit involve?

A C-TPAT audit generally involves assessments of:

-General overview of company policies, procedures, and documentation

-Personnel Security

-Physical Security

-Information Access Controls

-Shipment Information Controls

-Storage & Distribution

-Contractor Controls

-Export Logistics

What are the key benefits of CTPAT audit?

The greatest benefit of CTPAT audit is the opportunity to contribute to U.S. cargo security against terrorism and greater protection of your supply chain.

Additionally, the CTPAT program provides business-positive incentives such as:

-Shorter border wait times,

-Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Lanes at the land borders,

-Priority inspections following a natural disaster or terrorist attack,

-Reduced number of CBP inspections,

-Trusted Partner recognition,

-Eligibility for other U.S. government pilot programs, and

-Access to the CTPAT web-based Portal system and a library of training materials.

A CTPAT audit is a risk-based assessment of your current level of supply chain security. The audit of TESTCOO will help you improve the security of your supply chain, and verify whether or not you are CTPAT compliant.

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